Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Place Value Games & Activities

This place value game is a  great way to recycle some egg cartons.  Your students will love this game!  This game works well for place values up to hundred thousand; however, you could tape over some of the slot to modify for lower grade levels.

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Note: This blog post contains resources from our TpT store and our Amazon Associate store.

Egg Carton Place Value Game Idea

Just right click and choose "save as" for this free printable game sheet. 


You may also like these resources from our TpT store:

 place value free games task cards activities first grade

You will receive a sampler of 6 place value task cards to use in your kindergarten or special education stations as a review, test prep or as a quick formative assessment. Students may have a scavenger hunt or play a game of SCOOT. You will also receive a student response form and answer key. 
For 30 more task cards:


 free kindergarten first grade place value activities games task cards

You will receive six task cards to help your 1st grade and special education students practice tens and ones. Students will love the immediate feedback with the QR code on each card. Task cards are a great alternative to worksheets. They allow for movement in the classroom by playing SCOOT, having a scavenger hunt or by playing other math center games. There is a student response form and answer key as well. 

For 30 additional cards:


 free place value 2nd grade activities hundreds tens ones games

Here are six Common Core math task cards to help your students practice place value with tens and ones block models. There is a student response form and answer key as well. Students love task cards because they allow movement in the classroom. Brain research shows that movement increases achievement. 

 2nd Grade Common Core Standards:

For 30 additional task cards:


 free converting place value games 4th 5th grade activities

You will receive 10 converting place value task cards to use in your 4th or 5th grade math centers and stations as a review, test prep or as a formative assessment. Task cards are a great alternative to worksheets. Students could play SCOOT, have a scavenger hunt, or play other math games.

4th and 5th Grade Common Core Standards:

For 50 more task cards:


 free 5th 6th grade place value worksheet

This worksheet works well as a review, test prep, bell ringer, formative assessment or as homework. Students will practice place value in expanded and standard form.

5th Grade Common Core Standard:

This worksheet is a sample from the following packet:


You may also like these resources from our Amazon Associate store:

 place value classroom flip chart for kids


 MAB base ten blocks classroom set


 place value pocket chart


 place value classroom answer boards


 classroom set of place value millions student flip chart set 3rd 4th 5th 6th grade

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Shelly Anton is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. ** This means there are Amazon affiliate links in these blog posts. This does not mean you pay a dime more when you purchase a product through the link. It just means I am trying to save you valuable teacher time by making it easier for you to find great resources for your students, and I earn a few cents for my research and time. Thank you for all you do for kids!

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