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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Moon Phases Teaching Activities for Kids in 4th, 5th and 6th Grade

Students are naturally curious about the moon. Why is it sometimes big? Why is it sometimes smaller or a different shape?

free phases of the moon activities 4th 5th grade

Before beginning this unit, you may wish to have the students create a moon log in their science journals. Have them write and draw a picture of what they see. They may also wish to take some photographs.

1. Moon Phases Video

Here is a 10 minute video from PBS Digital Students. Phil explains the cause and the phases of the moon.

2. Phases of the Moon Classroom Experiment for Kids

In this science classroom experiment, students will learn about the phases of the moon by acting them out. You will need a large Styrofoam ball and a light source, such as a lamp.

phases of the moon experiment science centers

3. Moon Matching Game

Your student will enjoy matching phases with pictures of the moon. Click here to play the game online.

4. Online Lunar Phases Quiz

This is a simple online quiz for students to self-check their learning in a science center or station. Click here to see the quiz.

5. Moon Phases Rap

Music definitely helps students learn and remember. They will love this one!

6. Moon Phases with Oreos

Why not make some moon phases out of Oreos. Did you know they are allergy sensitive? They are free from dairy, egg, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, mustard, sesame, peanut, sulfites, mollusks, celery and lupin.

Click the picture to see 2 moon phases crafts.

phases of the moon craftivity

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elementary science center activities for kids

7. Moon Phase Viewer Craftivity

Students may make a very simple moon phases viewer. Step by step instructions are in the video. Click HERE

8. StoryJumper Online Book 

Here is an online book for your students to learn about the moon phases.

phases on the moon online book for kids

9. Moon Phases Crossword Puzzle for Kids

Your students will show what they know by completing this printable crossword puzzle. Click HERE to download and print.

phases of the moon worksheets

10. Phases of the Moon Interactive Science Notebook

This is a fun cut and paste activity for your students to practice matching definitions to pictures. Click HERE to download and print.

4th 5th grade science interactive notebook

moon phases unit

science activities for 4th 5th 6th grade

phases of the moon middle school


You may also like these resources from our Amazon Store:

(This comes in lots of colors!)

moon phases for the classroom

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phases of the moon teaching printable activities