Friday, November 2, 2018

Honoring Veterans Day Activities for Kids

We can begin honoring Veterans Day in our classrooms by teaching kids facts and history of the holiday. This video is approximately two minutes long and gives students a nice overview of the holiday.

Activity 1:

After the video, ask students to summarize the video in 20 words or less on their paper and/or draw a picture that represents Veterans Day.

You may guide the students in a discussion with the following questions:

Activity 2: 

(Scroll down for 30 printable task cards, which include these questions and more.)

  1. When is Veterans Day?
  2. Who are we honoring?
  3. What was this holiday originally called?
  4. What did the holiday commemorate?
  5. When was Armistice Day first celebrated?
  6. What were some ways in which it was celebrated?
  7. What happens at 11 AM every Veterans Day?
  8. When was the name changed?
  9. Has Veterans Day always been in November?
  10. What is the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day?
  11. Approximately how many living Veterans are there in the US?
  12. What fact or event stood out to you from this video?

  1. November 11
  2. Men and women who have served or are serving in the US Armed Forces, including unknown soldiers
  3. Armistice Day
  4. Truce between the Allies and Germany in WWI on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918.
  5. On November 11, 1919
  6. Businesses closed, parades, gatherings
  7. A Color Guard ceremony for all branches of the military and Tomb of Unknown Soldiers in Arlington National Cemetery
  8. 1954 to honoring all veterans, not just those in WWI
  9. No, for a short time 1968-1975 it was moved to October for more vacation time
  10. Memorial Day is for those who have died, and Veterans Day is for all those who have or currently are serving.
  11. Approximately 21 million
  12. Answers vary

Activity 3:

Students may complete a free printable Veterans Day puzzle activity. 

Click HERE to download and print it.

Activity 4:

Have students read classroom resources or conduct their own research to write their own "Top 5 Facts about Veterans Day". This free printable sign is an example.

Click HERE to download and print the sign:

Activity 5:

Veterans Day Assembly: Organize a school-wide assembly where veterans can share their experiences with students.

Activity 6:

Thank You Cards: Have students create handmade thank you cards for veterans in the community. Encourage students to write letters of support to troops serving overseas.

Activity 7:

Veterans Day Art: Encourage students to create patriotic artwork, such as flags, eagles, and stars.

Activity 8:

Veterans Day Poetry: Have students write poems about veterans and their contributions.

Activity 9:

History Lesson: Teach students about the history and significance of Veterans Day. Read books about veterans and their experiences, followed by discussions.

Activity 10:

Guest Speakers: Invite veterans to speak to the class and answer students' questions.

Activity 11:

Service Project: Organize a service project, like collecting items for care packages to send to active-duty troops.

Activity 12:

Storytelling: Have students interview family members who are veterans and share their stories. Record video interviews with veterans and watch them in class.

Activity 13:

Musical Performance: Practice and perform patriotic songs or have a musical assembly.

Activity 14:

Flag Coloring Contest: Hold a flag coloring contest, with prizes for the most creative designs.

Activity 15:

Community Parade: Participate in or watch a local Veterans Day parade.

Activity 16:

Soldier Silhouettes: Create life-sized soldier silhouettes for a hallway display.

Activity 17:

Flag Ceremony: Conduct a flag-raising or flag-lowering ceremony with the Pledge of Allegiance. Teach students about proper flag folding, etiquette, and display.

Activity 18:

Veterans Day Quizzes: Organize fun quizzes or trivia games related to Veterans Day.

Activity 19:

Collage of Heroes: Create a classroom collage featuring photos and information about different veterans. Display with pictures and stories of family members who are veterans.

Activity 20:

Soldier's Care Packages: As a class, assemble care packages for deployed troops.


You may also like the following paid resources from our TpT store:

Foldable Veterans Day Thank You Card for Kids to Make

Click HERE to purchase and print today.


Veterans Day No Prep Worksheets

Click HERE to purchase and print today.


Veterans Day Facts Task Cards

Click HERE to purchase and print today.

(Includes the questions listed above and more!)


Veterans Day Crossword Puzzle

Click HERE to purchase and print today.


You may also like these resources from our Amazon Associate store:

Veterans: Heroes in Our Neighborhood Hardcover 
by Valerie Pfundstein

Borang 48 Bulk Patriotic Ribbon with Gold Star (Red, White, and Blue)
by Borang

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