Wednesday, January 18, 2017

How to Teach Students Empathy & Caring for Others

Empathy Activities and Games for Kids -------------------------------------------- NOTE: Click HERE to find the following activities in a no prep printable packet. ------------------ Activity 1: Defining Empathy Instruct the students to draw four squares on their paper.  Square 1: Define the word. Square 2: Use it in a sentence. Square 3: Write synonyms for the word. Square 4: Draw a picture to demonstrate the word. Click HERE for the free printab… Read more »

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Goal Setting for Students

Note: This blog post contains resources from our TpT store and Amazon Associate store. --------------------------------------------- Do you set goals with your students? The new year gives us opportunity to review our beginning of the school year goals, reflect on our accomplishments and revise as needed. Teachers have been trained to write their own SMART goals, and they are also very effective with students. SMART Specific Measurable Attainabl… Read more »