Thursday, August 28, 2014

Top 10 Ways to Motivate Students to Learn Math

The beginning of the school year is time for fun, getting-to-know-you type activities. I have several ideas in this blog post, click  HERE . Students are always willing to share their favorite subjects, such as recess, P.E., art, etc. They are also willing to share their least favorite which is usually math - unfortunately! It was actually always my favorite. Math is important. A 2007 study published in the Journal of Development Psychology reveal… Read more »

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Back To School Healthy Breakfast Bars Recipe

In our house, we call these "Toby Bars."  They are actually a high protein breakfast bar recipe that my daughter obtained from a family for whom she babysat.  The family calls them "Toby Bars" to get their little one to eat them. :)  They are a version of Girl Power bars but with lots of modifications. Click  HERE  to SUBSCRIBE to our V.I.P. exclusive newsletter  for SECRET SALES and FREE printables. Note: This blog post contains … Read more »