Monday, April 21, 2014

Greater Than Less Than Games

FREE Fun and Effective Teacher Strategies
Comparing Numbers
Greater Than Less Than Games

Math Greater than Less Than Teachers Pay Teachers Promoting-Success

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Note: This blog post contains resources from our TpT store and our Amazon Associate store.


Number Eating Alligator Song:



Step 1.) Think you’re good at math? Prove it to the most famous mathematical thinkers in history. In Genius Boxing, you must defeat Albert Einstein, Pythagoras, Galileo, Bill Gates, Leonardo da Vinci, Nicholas Coperniucs, Archimedes, and Sir Isaac Newton in boxing using your math skills.

Step 2.) Look at the number equation that appears at the bottom of the screen. Click on <, >, or = to make the number equation true. Be careful though, each round gets much harder!


UMIGO Greater Than Less Than (Comparing Numbers)


Clothespin Craft for Kids: Make a Chomping Alligator


You may also like these printable activities and games from our TpT store.

 free comparing numbers task cards activities games

Download and Print Today!

Here are 6 task cards for students to practice comparing two multi-digit numbers and answer greater than, less than or equal to. They may be used as a review, test prep or as a quick formative assessment. They also work well for math center games. A student response form and answer key are also provided. 




 Comparing 2 digit numbers

Here are 30 task cards for students to practice greater than, less than, or equal to. Ideas for games and activities in your centers or stations are included. A student response form and answer key are also provided.
1st Grade Common Core:


 comparing 3 digit numbers task cards activities games

Here are 30 greater than less than task cards to use as a review, test prep, or games in your math centers and stations. Students will love the chomping alligators. A student response form and answer key are also provided.
2nd Grade Common Core:


 free math poster greater than less than

 math anchor chart poster free

This printable poster features Alvin the alligator off to eat a large lunch. Munch! Munch! It will help students with greater than, less than or equal to concepts. It will look great in your math centers or as reminders on each student desk. 

Print this in poster size or print them four to a page for student sized anchor charts.


 comparing multi-digit numbers games activities

Here are 30 Common Core math task cards for 4th grade. Students will practice comparing two multi-digit numbers and answer greater than, less than, or equal. A student response form and answer key are also provided. These cards work well in math centers or stations as a review or for test prep. Game ideas are included.

4th Grade Common Core Math:


 comparing decimals task cards games

Here are 30 math task cards for students to review decimals and play games in math center or stations. You will also receive game ideas, student response form and answer key.

These task cards are a great alternative to worksheets. They allow for movement in the classroom, which brain research shows increases achievement. Students can play SCOOT, have a scavenger hunt, or engage in other movement games.

5th Grade Common Core Math:


You may also like these resources from our Amazon Associate store:

 alligator hand puppet


 alligator finger puppets


 number line floor mat



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