Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Adverbs and Adjective Activities for Kids

Are you looking for a quick and easy activity to teach your students about adverbs and adjectives?  This activity will allow for whole classroom participation.  Some additional printable activities are also listed below. Click HERE to SUBSCRIBE to our V.I.P. exclusive newsletter  for SECRET SALES and FREE printables. Note: This blog post contains resources from our  TpT store and our Amazon Associate store. ------------------------------------------… Read more »

Monday, December 29, 2014

How to Make Paper Snowflakes for Kids

Click  HERE  to SUBSCRIBE to our V.I.P. exclusive newsletter  for SECRET SALES and FREE printables. Note: This blog post contains resources from our  TpT store  and our Amazon Associate store. --------------------------------------------- Did you forget how to make paper snowflakes?  Do you need a quick (under two minutes!) demonstration video to show your students?  If you are like me, you remember how to fold it, but it never turned out pretty like … Read more »

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Ice Cube Experiment and Activities for Elementary Students

Here is a fun and simple winter game to play in your primary classroom.  It works well as a brain break movement activity, for indoor recess, or as a social interaction activity.  Keep scrolling and you will find more ice cube activities for math, science, language arts, and art. Note: This blog post contains resources from our  TpT store  and our Amazon Associate store. --------------------------------------------- I am not sure where this game ori… Read more »

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Winter Writing Prompts and Writing Papers

Here are some winter writing activities and story starters for your winter writing center.  You may download them (along with another free photo not shown here) in printable format HERE . Note: This blog post contains resources from our  TpT store  and our Amazon Associate store. --------------------------------------------- Use the following photos to spark some creative writing in your classroom. For a printable version, click HERE . Scroll down for … Read more »