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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Christian Student & Teacher Motivation Wonderfully Made

Teachers Pay Teachers Promoting-Success

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February, 2013 (From The intent of this series is to clearly communicate one truth. Whatever work you do…matters to God! It matters more than you will ever guess. It matters for all of eternity. It matters because God created us to do good work. The story of the scriptures starts with God working, “In the beginning God created…”

We want to inspire people to remember that all that they do honors and glorifies God, as they do all of life on purpose with excellence and passion, in tune with God. We honor and glorify God when we do our paid and our unpaid work, when we do work in the marketplace, or in our homes, or within our leisure. We honor God when we do our work with excellence and with passion.


I have really enjoyed this teaching series. It is so important to remember that no job or deed is more "sacred" than another.  Whether you are a preacher, doctor, custodian, stay at home mom, fast food worker, school teacher, administrator, banker, retired grandparent, you all are equally important in God's eyes.

Whatever you do...matters to God!

What an amazing thought to begin each day.  Every day is a mission because your true home is in heaven.  When you wake up in the morning, ask yourself, "What is my mission today?"

I saw a video a couple years ago intended for high school seniors. I don't remember who it was but the message has stuck with me. (I believe it applies to ALL of us as life always includes CHANGE.)  So many young people get hung up on these questions:

What am I meant to be?

Is this really what God wants me to do?

What if I make the wrong choice?

What if I choose the wrong path?

What was I made for?

The answer is clear.  What brings you great joy? That is what you are made to do... long as you do it ALL for the GLORY of God!

Wonderfully Made by Louie Giglio


Wonderfully Made


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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Lifehouse's Everything Video

Teach God Teachers Pay Teachers Promoting-Success

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Lifehouse's Everything Skit

Click HERE to read what Lifehouse has to say about this song. 

It can be about both God and human love.


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Friday, February 1, 2013

Cat Themed Writing Prompts for Kids

Baby, it's cold outside - but that doesn't stop us from having fun! 

Teachers Pay Teachers Promoting-Success

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Note: This blog post contains resources from our TpT store and our Amazon Associate store.


If you know cats at all, you will love this video.  Use it in your classroom for great writing starter ideas.

Writing prompts to go along with "Let Me In!" cat video:

1. Simon was ready to go inside after a fun night outside playing. Let me tell you about his greatest adventure... 

2. My family had just adopted a new little kitten into our family. The kitten decided to sleep on my bed. As I was falling asleep, I was thinking how great it would be if I were a cat. Imagine my surprise when I woke up and ... 

3. Hello! My name is Simon. Let me tell you about some funny tricks I like to play on my human friends.... 

4. On day I was sitting on the couch watching television. My cat jumped up on my lap and started talking to me! 

5. My cat loves to stay outside all night! One night I decided to attach a video camera to his back. When I watched the video the next morning... 


You may also like these writing resources from our TpT store:

 free winter writing prompts

Here are six photos to help your students with creative writing. Each card has three writing prompts. They work well in your literacy centers.

You may also like:


 cat poetry writing for kids worksheets

These no prep literacy worksheets feature reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills for 3rd and 4th grade students. 


 writing prompts for kids

You will receive 30 task cards with adorable graphics and fun writing prompts about New Year's Day, January, resolutions, aliens, holidays, an ocean cruise, hibernation, and more.


You may also like these resources from our Amazon Associate store. 

 Some are for adults and some are for kids.

 funny cat jokes


 cat board game catopoly


 cat puppet


 cat socks gift

For Adults Only:

 cat humor for adults book


For Adults Only:

 cat humor book for adults gift for cat lover


 funny cat mug gift for cat lover


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Shelly Anton is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to ** This means there are Amazon affiliate links in these blog posts. This does not mean you pay a dime more when you purchase a product through the link. It just means I am trying to save you valuable teacher time by making it easier for you to find great resources for your students, and I earn a few cents for my research and time. Thank you for all you do for kids!